
Be it any kind of business, it must have its website and app to make its presence feel online. In today’s world, the survival of a business becomes very much difficult without having its website and/or app.

Daily new websites and apps are appearing in the market, making the market a competitive place. Also, potential customers can know about the business and the services offered by it by searching it on Google and other search engines and visiting the website. 

Website development is a vast field. On a daily basis, new technologies keep on emerging that help in making websites more attractive, vibrant, and user-friendly. The more the website is customer friendly and good in appearance, the more the possibility of new customers. Making your website stand out in the crowd is as important as anything else.

So, we will have a look at the latest emerging website development trends in 2023.

Emerging Website Development Trends in 2023:

  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):

At this point, everyone is aware of websites and apps. Websites work in web browsers while apps are meant for smartphones. But this new trend of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) will combine the best features of websites and smartphone apps. It means the app will be loaded in the browser just like a website but with a faster speed.

Apart from this, the progressive web apps will be available in offline mode as well. Certain companies have already started to use this trend, like Uber, Twitter, etc.

This is the first emerging trend as most users prefer to access the internet on their mobiles rather than from PCs, laptops, or any other device. 

Moreover, the apps are device dependent, if you want to create an app for your business you will have to develop it for both Android and iOS platforms but the PWAs will give you freedom from this and they will work on any device.

So it is the right time to revamp your websites and convert them into progressive web apps. This will make it easier to maintain your app as well as the costs will also be reduced. It is so because at this time you have to create a website as well as an app for your business, but with the progressive web apps both purposes will be solved with just one thing. Thus, ultimately it will reduce the cost and the developer’s responsibility will be to maintain only one thing and not two.

  • AI Chatbots:

Artificially intelligent chatbots are basically a replacement for customer care executives. The chatbots can either be voice-based or text-based. They are incorporated inside the website or the app.

They are already filled with the queries that customers generally ask and the answers are also predetermined. Moreover, with the help of artificial intelligence, they keep on learning, and their database is continuously updated with new queries and relevant answers.

This reduces the dependence on human customer care executives and will also reduce the load on your company as you will have to hire a lesser number of personnel for servicing your valuable customers.

Companies are also slowly moving towards this emerging trend as you must have noticed while taking customer support from Uber. When you ask for support for a drive, you are posed with multiple questions and you will have to select the appropriate one. 

In case your query is not resolved by the chatbot, it is ultimately transferred to the human customer care executive. Thus the dependence on human executives is reduced and the resolution of the queries becomes fast. This makes AI chatbots an important part of the fast-emerging website development trends of 2023.

  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP):

Trying to access a website but it is loading quite slowly will definitely impact a customer on a negative front. Every customer wants to use a website for browsing or doing online shopping where response time is almost nil and pages are loaded faster.

The emerging website development trend of accelerated mobile pages makes this possible. This is a must, especially for those websites that are in the e-commerce business. The slow speeds of these websites force customers to move to other websites.

Many businesses like Amazon use this technology to keep their existing customers intact and attract new customers. So accelerated Mobile Pages technology is essential for the growth of your business.

  • Single-Page Applications (SPAs):

Earlier the website page used to be refreshed for viewing the updated content. The time taken to reload the page makes the entire task time-consuming. 

It has been solved with the new emerging technology of single-page applications. With the help of this, most of the information is available on one page only. There’s no time is wasted in reloading, and it makes the entire user experience faster.

The content of the webpage is automatically refreshed without reloading the page. The best features of JavaScript are used to create such pages.

Various companies like Facebook, Twitter, etc. use this emerging website development trend.

  • Optimized Voice Search:

Searching on Google is nothing new but searching with voice is definitely a new emerging trend. This saves the time of typing. Also, the user has the option of asking queries in the language of his or her choice. It is just like we are talking to another human being.

This feature was launched by Google in 2011 and since then it has gained momentum and is becoming more and more favorite day by day. The digital assistants, Siri and Alexa, are examples of optimized voice search.

Smart home devices also work on optimized voice search. Worldwide they are becoming an important part of household work.

  • WordPress Development:

Even though WordPress development is quite an old technology, it still covers 40% of the website development marketplace. The websites developed using WordPress are lightweight and faster to load.

Apart from this, WordPress-based websites are customizable as per the requirements of the customers. WordPress offers plenty of options that can be induced into the website to make it look attractive and user-friendly.

There are so many website templates that are available in the market and the customer can choose any of them to customize further. The templates can be either free or paid. The paid templates come with more valuable features.

  • Motion UI:

Motion UI is concerned with making animations and giving transitional effects to make the user interface of the website eye-catching. Today’s customer not only wants the website to be user-friendly but also impressive looking. 

The first impression may leave a long-lasting impression. So to make the website look beautiful, motion UI plays an important role. The creativity of the developer and the animator can do the magic.

The header, the footer, the menus, the slider, everything can be made beautiful with the help of motion UI. This has made it one of the fastest emerging website development trends of 2023.

  • Serverless Architecture:

This emerging website development trend frees us from the need of having a server as all the services required are provided using cloud-based technology. Companies like Amazon, and Google are using this technology vastly.

This architecture not only helps in reducing the cost of development and maintenance but also makes the data much more secure. The customer has to pay for the space only as per the requirements. Also, auto scalability helps to increase or decrease the usage of space and ultimately the cost.

  • Responsive Site Design:

We used to hear that a website is responsive. It means that it can act according to the device on which it is being used. You do not have to create multiple websites for different devices. The same website can scale automatically for the screens of the laptop, mobile, tablet, etc.

Responsive site design technology makes this possible and is one of the first emerging website development trends of 2023.

  • Dark Mode Standardization:

In recent times the dark and light modes of websites have become popular and in the coming times, this trend will become more famous. Most users love the dark mode user interface of the website or the app. You must have noticed the light and dark mode options if you use Facebook or Twitter.

The feature can be incorporated inside the website and the user is given the option to switch between these two. With time, this dark mode standardization is becoming an important part of website development.

  • Improved Native Cybersecurity:

Every company, whether big or small, wants its data to be secure and safe. This can only be made possible with the help of cyber security so that no unauthorized person can have access to the crucial data of the companThe Internet has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. It is required in every sphere. Making online payments, buying goods online, ordering food from restaurants, or taking care of finances, the internet is needed everywhere. It makes almost everything available at the click of a button.

Hackers keep on trying 24 x 7 to gain access to the databases of the companies. To make their attempts unsuccessful, improved native cyber security is extremely important. 

This is implemented with the help of multi-factor authentication methods. For example, if you have enables multi-factor authentication on your Facebook account, you will be asked to provide your password as well as the OTP received on your mobile to log into your account.

Thus in order to make your data safe, native cyber security must be implemented for your website.